How to Become a Project Manager

Canadian avg. based on 2.4k salaries,
by 2027, Project Management Institute, PMI
2.2M new jobs green-arrow-up
46K+ jobs on Linkedin
Project Management Institute (PMI), Project Manager's Association of Canada , International Project Management Association (IPMA), Scrum , The Project Manager Network (LinkedIn Group), PM Jobs,

You can find project managers just about anywhere, from high-rise construction sites to video game development studios to hospitals and universities across Canada and beyond.

These multi-skilled individuals have sought specialized training and are often found convening multidisciplinary groups, including tradespeople, engineers, IT professionals and marketers, for example, to get complex projects done on budget and on time. A project manager’s purview usually includes planning, procuring, and supervising the execution of a specific and critical project for an organization.

Project management is a growing and in-demand profession for those who have the right skillset. Those professionals who hold project management qualifications such as CAPM or PMP, for example, have become sought after as workplaces have identified the tangible benefits of having someone who can keep all the requirements of an initiative on track and delivered according to established deadlines and budget needs.

According to the Project Management Institute, employers will need to fill nearly 2.2 million new project-oriented roles each year through 2027. This means skilled project managers have great job prospects and can earn competitive salaries ranging from an average base salary of $78,000 and up to nearly $130,000 in Canada, depending on the sector, location, experience and level of responsibility.

In this Career Guide, we will outline some of the training and career options for project managers and detail the factors you need to consider when attempting to match your personal values and professional interests to this dynamic and growing profession in Canada.