The 10 Most In-demand Jobs in Canada

Last updated June 11, 2024

When you are dropping an average of $6,500 a year on an undergraduate degree or more than $7,000 on a graduate diploma, you want to know there is a job at the end of that long and demanding study tunnel. So, what 10 career paths are the most likely to land you a job?

CourseCompare checked in with Annie (Yazhuo) Pan, an expert in this field. Pan, who is a research officer at the Center for Industrial Relations and Human Resources at the University of Toronto, says it’s not surprising that some of the most in-demand jobs are a direct result of the pandemic. The pandemic has, after all, completely up-ended how business is done. Nor does Pan think that will change after the pandemic has run its course.

In other words, these are safe-bet courses of study that will definitely lead to a job.

“The pandemic changed a lot of things. How people work. How people run a business,” says Pan. If more people are working from home, businesses need more people to help employees work online, she explains.

Here are the 10 most in-demand careers in Canada ranked by the University of Toronto’s Center for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, plus what those jobs pay per year and where you can go to learn job-ready skills today.

No. 1: IT and Support Desk Specialists

IT support specialists give advice and help to anyone who uses a computer in a business or organization.

With more employees working from home, most often on their own equipment, in this pandemic IT specialists are more in demand than ever.

As Pan points out, no one can afford to have employees losing Zoom conference calls with potential clients or not being as productive as possible from home.

And Pan doesn’t expect the demand for this job classification to drop off after the pandemic. The trend to working from home will continue, she predicts.

The average salary per year for IT and support desk specialists in Canada is $49,525.

Explore Courses: IT (Information Technology) and Computer Systems                          

No. 2: Administrative Assistants

Administrative assistants are the go-to personnel when managers need help to organize staff and their workload.

And like IT specialists, they are more in demand now than ever as a result of the pandemic.

“Companies need human resources to facilitate working from home and to schedule meetings,” Pan explains.

This, too, is a job with ongoing growth opportunities. The end of the pandemic won’t spell the end of the growing need for admin assistants.

On average, administrative assistants earn $55,054 per year in Canada.

Explore Courses: Human resources, business, event planning, project management, Excel

No. 3: Cyber Security Specialists

Cyber security specialists protect information on computer networks, cloud servers, mobile devices, and payment software. They analyse and predict where risks are and, most importantly, develop strategies to prevent data breaches.

With more people working from home, more information — from employee information to meeting details — has to be posted online, Pan says. “People are worried about security.”

Expect job growth to surge as the trend to work from home continues even after the pandemic.

The average pay per year for cyber security specialists in Canada is $87,728.

Explore Courses: Cyber security, cloud computing and computer programming.

No. 4: Web Developers

The move made by consumers to online purchasing may have been spurred by the pandemic, but it won’t stop after the pandemic ends, Pan predicts.

As a result, companies need web developers to create user-friendly websites and other digital products that allow consumers and organizations of every kind to transact online.

Average pay per year for a web developer in Canada is $67,432.

Explore Courses: Web development, mobile app development, full-stack development

No. 5: Mobile Application Developers

Again, this is associated with the trend to online sales. After all, someone has to create software applications that run on a mobile device for on-the-go consumers who have turned to online shopping because of the pandemic, and will continue with it after the pandemic because of its convenience.

The average salary for mobile app developers in Canada is $77,632 per year.

Explore Courses: Mobile app development, UX/UI design

No. 6: Big Data Scientists and Data Analysts

In an era of online sales and search activities, data scientists are transforming the retail, telecommunications, agriculture, and trucking industries, to name a few. They enable organizations to collect and analyze massive data sets, which can be used to improve everything from manufacturing efficiency to sales and retention.

Average pay per year for data analysts and data scientists ranges from $71,613 to $82,713.

Explore Courses: Data science, data analytics, data engineering, data visualization

No. 7: Digital Marketing Specialists

It only makes sense that what follows the shift to online purchases is a sea-change in how businesses market to people. So, businesses will need experts in digital marketing if they are going to be able to identify and target a market, create a brand image, and execute a measurable marketing strategy across an ever-expanding menu of digital platforms and technologies.

Digital marketing specialists will need to balance creativity and analytical thinking as they develop digital strategies designed to move audiences into action — on social media, search engines, email, live chat, Google Ads and more.

The average salary for a digital marketer in Canada is $51,774.

Explore Courses: Digital marketing, social media marketing, SEO/SEM, copywriting, public speaking courses.

No. 8: Logistics/Transportation Managers

The trend to online purchasing was big before the pandemic. Now it is huge. And someone needs to make sure customers receive their orders. Logistics/transportation managers do that by co-ordinating all transportation issues within an organization.

Since the trend to online purchasing shows no sign of dying, this will remain an in-demand job for the foreseeable future.

The average pay per year for a logistics/transportation manager is $65,495 to $105,187.

Explore Courses: PMP certification, PMP exam prep, CAPM certification.

No. 9: Early Education Workers

Parents, especially mothers, have had to leave the workforce in droves because they couldn’t afford or access child-care during the pandemic.

As a result, the federal government is investing $30 billion in early childhood education over the next five years to provide parents with affordable, accessible, quality day care. That is sure to creating a boom in jobs for early childhood educators that will continue to grow as the population grows.

“It’s the only way they (the government) can help mothers and fathers go back to the job market and pay taxes,” says Pan.

The average pay per year for an ECE (Early Childhood Educator) is $49,517.

Explore Courses: ECE certification, Early Childhood Education programs.

No. 10: Health Care Support Workers for Seniors

While it’s not necessarily related to the pandemic, the aging of Canada’s population has created a demand for staff to take care of seniors. That demand is not going to change.

Indeed, the job vacancy rate for health care workers, in general, rose to 4.7 per cent in the last quarter of 2020, according to Statistics Canada. “That is one of the highest rates among all (job) sectors.”

And the federal agency expects the ongoing need for health care workers will continue.

Average pay per year for health care support workers across Canada is $47,183.

Explore Courses: Personal support work (PSW), nursing, practical nursing, pharmacy technician, pharmacy assistant

How to Pivot into an In-demand Job

The pandemic-induced surge in demand for some jobs, however, does not hold true for other high-demand jobs that require few skills, such as customer service representatives.

The increase in those jobs is a temporary blip, Pan predicts. People will lose those jobs to automation over the next 10 to 20 years, she says. “But high-skill jobs will be in demand for the long term.”

So how to choose your career?

Research, research, research.

First, check the labour market outcomes by fields of study that are published by Statistics Canada.

Then, check the essential skills that are required for each occupation at Job Bank Canada.

Next, Pan suggests students study LinkedIn’s job pages for more information on each occupation they are considering.  Look at the education and experience companies are saying they need on job postings, she advises.

Finally, CourseCompare can help students decide which educational pathway(s) will best help them break into the industry — and career — of their choice. It can also help connect learners with recent graduates for an inside look at what training and day-to-day work entail.

Consider, for example, whether a university or college offers a co-op program, Pan advises. That will lead to the one thing classroom or online training by itself may not: connections in the industry you want to work in who can help you land a high-demand job.

Dianne Rinehart Editor

Dianne Rinehart has worked as a journalist for some of the largest news organizations and magazines in the country in bureaus and newsrooms from Moscow to Ottawa to Toronto and Vancouver. Most recently she was an editorial writer and team editor with the Toronto Star. Now she is pursuing her love of teaching as an instructor of journalism with the University of Guelph Humber.

31 thoughts on “The 10 Most In-demand Jobs in Canada”

  1. Hi
    I’m interested in child care program in canada. Looking for few universities which are having child care education programs .
    Kindly send me some of links regarding universities .
    Thank you.

  2. I second the comment about ECEs. I have been teaching more than 13 years as an art teacher in a leading international school in Sri lanka and as the head of arts and the chief examiner.

    1. Thanks for asking. You might find this page helpful:

      Graduates with accounting degrees earned an average of $70,000 to $80,000 annually in 2019, with 11 per cent job growth expected by the year 2024. Those who obtained a CPA license had a median salary of $73,800 and top salaries of more than $124,000, according to the BISK CPA Review.

  3. Hi – I’m an Early Childhood Educator. Would love to see you cover ECE programs on CourseCompare. Thank you.

  4. Hi …. Which course is suitable for science background if my specialization is BIOTECHNOLOGY?
    And what are jobs available for a science student in Canada?

    1. Hi Vaishali – Anything you see on CourseCompare is in high-demand. I’d suggest speaking to one of our Learning Advisors to develop a learning plan based on your strengths, values, interests and other factors we use to determine “fit”. You can start here:

  5. Hi there, as I’m planning to do PG in Sports Management and have 4 year coaching experience(Assistant coach+referee), would i be able to have a good sports career in Canada ?

  6. Hi iam ANIL Kumar ima planning to study in MSc agriculture in plant science . please suggest me which jobs and salery I can get in canada.

  7. Hi, I have less experience in the software industry. I am into Testing, which has less pay and higher competition. Is there any chance I can switch to a different Job? If yes what would be my minimum pay? How is the competition for IT jobs in canada?

  8. My daughter is having Master degree in computer application ,and age is 27years and one year experience and her husband is having Masters degree in instrument on engineering and having 4years experience. Husbands sister is a Canadian citizen . Can they get PR.

    1. Hi Thomas!

      This page on the Government of Canada’s website will be a great place to start for anyone who wants to study in Canada.

      For information on the “selection factors” for permanent residents and whether or not an international credential will be recognized, we would start here: and here:

      Happy travels!

  9. I am a Bahamian citizen and would like to become an Administrative Assistant in Canada. Can you suggest a course that I can take that employers in Canada would look for and what steps I need to take. Thanks in advance.

  10. Hi I am arrived in Calgary a few days ago and I done master of science and bachelor of education in India . Now I want to start my career here but it’s to confusing for me to what I choose here to start my study if possible please suggest some courses to me.which option I take

  11. Hi,

    i’m an IT professional with 4 years of work ex can you suggest me which course would be better to accelerate my career growth and further increases my chance to settle in Canada

  12. Hi…diploma in electrical student demand in Canada? Yes or no

    And yes
    How to earn in yearly…please ask…me for this my question 🤔

  13. I’m so glad that is keeping track of the most in-demand jobs in Canada! This is a great resource for students and professionals alike.

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